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#3286 din 3286 de Companii din Produse Cosmetica &Medicala
Membru Gratuit din 2018
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Micomme Micomme +8615116188096 China, China, -
Produse si servicii

aparatura medicala CPAP

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Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2018!
Micomme Medical Technology Development Co., Ltd. is the Chinese leading providers focused on medical devices for sleep apnea and respiratory solution. We are passionate on bringing settlement that lead to home care and hospital with own brand a € œSepray a €  on chronic respiratory disease. We constantly offer the scientific, comfortable and natural treatment method for doctors and patients in the global sleep and respiratory market.

Our self- developed M+Health Care cloud platform is able to analysis the real- time patient situation and monitor treatment of patients to improve their outcomes through big data.

These independent innovation built our competitive advantages. Till now, more than 100 patents have been approved or applied by us. For the future, we dedicated to providing the best quality of products and services for all our customers.
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